Every year at the Chapter Regional Conference (CRC) every Chapter in Region XI will give a Summary of the past years’ activities. The CRC was in Spokane, Washington (Inland Empire Chapter) on May 9 to 11, 2024.
What follows are the slides that we would have presented about our VI ASHRAE, Chapter #145 activities. Figure 1 is just about house keeping identifying who we are. President Eric Loeper and Vice President or Alternate Karl Barrnet would have talked about our activates.
Figure 1: Identifying the Vancouver Island Chapter #145
Figure 2 to 3: 10 km high review with pictures
Figure 3:
Figure 4: Details of Lessons Learned and Improvement for future years
Figure 5: Overall Success Stories
Figure 6 & 7: Summary of Our Finances
With all these summaries you will see a 3 to 4-year historical snapshot. As indicate we are in pretty good shape financially as a chapter.
Figure 6:
Figure 7:
Figure 8 Support from Society
In Figure 9 & 10 we talk about our accomplishments with Membership and Promotion.
Figure 10:
Figure 11 to 12: Student Activities
Figure 13:
For the technical meetings or Chapter Technology Transfer (CTTC) a Figures 14 to 16
Figure 14: Chapter Technology Transfer
Figure 15: Chapter Technology Transfer
Figure 16:
Research and Promotion (RP) was pretty static this year we did try online payment, this can be seen in Figure 17 & 18. There has been a slow and steady increase from our chapter to RP each year.
Figure 17:
Figure 18:
Lots of activity for Government Affairs, Figure 19 & 20.
Figure 19: Government Affairs
Figure 20:
Figure 21: Chapter History
Figure 22: Chapter History
To summarize our commination methods within the chapter please see Figure 23 & 24
Figure 23: Communications
Figure 24: Communications
Every year we prepare for the next year, in this case 2024/25. The transitions occurs on July 1st each year. In Figure 25 you can see who is in what role for next year. You will see lots of new people and lots of returning members as well.
Figure 25: Preparing for 2024/24
Another common question we get from Membership is where were the CRC’s and where will the next CRC be. The 2024-2025 CRC will be in Portland Oregon, May 8 to 10, 202.
Figure 26: Chapter Regional Conference for Region XI