to May 2

May 01 & 02, 2025 VI ASHRAE HVAC&R Trade Show

Target Audience:

  • Your Customers

  • ASHRAE Members

  • Consulting Engineers

  • Government Representatives

  • Contractors

  • Architects

  • Building Owners/Operators

  • Students


May 01 & 02, 2025

VI ASHRAE HVAC&R Trade Show and Gala Dinner

  • Gala Dinner

    • Thursday, May 01, 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Dr. Phalguni Mukhopadhyaya -

Topic: TBD

  • VI ASHRAE HVAC&R Trade Show

    • Friday, May 02, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm

    • Technical talks, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm (1 every hour, 45 minutes)

      • 7 Topics, Speakers To Be Confirmed



  • This is the only total HVAC-Refrigeration Trade Show on Vancouver Island that will provide you with an opportunity to advertise your products to key people in the industry. We look forward to your participation.

  • Show attendance and participation will be encouraged through promotion and advertising at the ASHRAE Vancouver Island Chapter and all our local industry partners

  • This will support our VI ASHRAE Activities some listed below

  • Supporting monthly technical talks and tours

  1. Book donations to Vancouver Island School Board

  2. Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair (VIRSF)

  3. Building on student Scholarship Funds

  4. Supporting UVic Students ECSS, to participate in competitions and Vikes Women’s Rugby

  • Sending members to ASHRAE events,

  1. Leadership

  2. Chapter Regional Conferences (CRC’s)


  • 2 Complementary Gala Dinner tickets with each Booth

  • Booth space is limited so we urge you to register online soon (once we make online registration site live) to ensure the best booth selection.

  • Regular booths are 6ft x 10ft and Large booths are 8ft x 10ft. Each booth will include a backwall, sidewalls and one 750W single power outlet.

  • Booths will be assigned on a first paid and registered basis.

  • Maximum two (2) booths per exhibitor as per ASHRAE regulations.

  • Booths are to be setup on Thursday May 01 from 12 pm to 4 pm.

  • Booths must be removed on Friday May 02 by 6 pm.

  1. Standard Table, 6' x 10' dimensions ($1,000)

  2. Large Table, 8' x 10' dimensions ($1,200)

A Trade Show Dinner will be held on Thursday May 01, 2025 evening at the Chief's and Petty Officers Mess, Mess Facilities Lower Level, 1575 Lyall Street.

Technical seminars will be held Friday May 02 at the location Bay Street Armoury, 713 Bay Street. Please indicate on the registration form if your company would be interested in providing a one hour technical seminar. Due to the seminar schedule, we may not be able to accommodate all presentations. Note all presentations must adhere to ASHRAE commercialism guidelines and must be submitted for review minimum of one week prior to the trade show; Tips for Speakers

Companies Participating

(click company logo for link)

Platinum Sponsor ($1,500; only 1 available)

  • Premium recognition of your company throughout the Trade Show

  • Premium recognition of your company at the Trade Show Dinner

  • Premium advertising space in the Trade Show Program Guide

  • Logo and hyperlink displayed on the Trade Show website

  • 6 Complementary tickets to the Trade Show Dinner

Gold Sponsor ($1,000)

  • Recognition of your company throughout the Trade Show

  • Advertising space in the Trade Show Program Guide

  • Logo and hyperlink displayed on the Trade Show website

  • 3 Complementary tickets to the Trade Show Dinner

Silver Sponsor ($750)

  • Recognition of your company throughout the Trade Show

  • Advertising space in the Trade Show Program Guide

  • Logo and hyperlink displayed on the Trade Show website

  • 2 Complementary tickets to the Trade Show Dinner

Bronze Sponsor ($500)

  • Recognition of your company throughout the Trade Show

  • Logo and hyperlink displayed on the Trade Show website

  • 1 Complementary ticket to the Trade Show Dinner


It is not the intent of VI ASHRAE to diminish in any way the annual exposition cosponsored by ASHRAE and ARI.

The following statement should be visible during the chapter-sponsored equipment exposition:

The Region XI, Chapter 145, VI ASHRAE Chapter does not act for Society. The sponsor/co-sponsor of this event is the Region XI, Chapter 145, VI ASHRAE Chapter. (01-10-06-60)

The sponsoring chapter does not and will not endorse any of the products or services displayed.

Chapter Clause Agreement

This agreement is between (“Vendor”) and Region XI, Chapter 145, VI ASHRAE of ASHRAE, an independent entity separate from ASHRAE, Inc. Vendor understands and agrees that neither Region XI, Chapter 145, VI ASHRAE nor its representatives have any authority whatsoever, expressed or implied, to bind ASHRAE, Inc. in any manner whatsoever. Vendor may not rely upon any representations or warranties made by any Region XI, Chapter 145, VI ASHRAE representative to infer that such Chapter/Region representative has any authority to bind ASHRAE, Inc. to this agreement or otherwise. Vendor may not address the membership during the business meeting, if in conjunction with the equipment exposition.

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12:00 PM12:00

Virtual - Can we have it all? The balance between indoor air quality and carbon reduction in buildings.

  • Halifax and Victoria Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Have you ever considered what it takes to create optimal indoor air quality while achieving our decarbonization goals?

What makes air quality good and how do we meet the diverse needs of people?

This session will explore the link between indoor air quality (IAQ) and operational carbon emissions in buildings and will review strategies to improve both energy performance and IAQ.

We will touch upon current codes and standards, including ASHRAE 62.1 and ASHRAE 241, and discuss growth opportunities and existing gaps.

Interactive in nature, we will ask participants to apply a critical lens to how we think about balancing reducing our carbon emissions and achieving optimal indoor air quality, challenging pre-existing ideas around what is “good enough” in order to create better buildings for people and the planet.


Kaitlyn Gillis, bio:

Kaitlyn Gillis (BEng., MSc Arch, MSc Env Psyc, LEED AP, WELL AP) is the founder of Human Nature Connections, a consultancy based in Fredericton, NB, focused on the intersection of people, nature, and climate. Kaitlyn believes in the power of interdisciplinarity for tackling complex problems and brings to the table a diverse background in building engineering, deep green architecture, and environmental psychology.

Prior to founding Human Nature Connections in 2024, Kaitlyn co-led a not-for-profit promoting sustainable buildings and worked for global architecture and engineering firms on a diverse portfolio of projects around North America and the United Kingdom. She has presented, researched, and published widely on green and healthy buildings, leading internal and client research projects and the development of new service lines while working to shift local building industries. 

With a research background in biophilic design, Kaitlyn has a strong passion for the integration of nature into the built environment, including through the use of natural building materials. She is currently a member of Living Future Europe’s Biophilia Locus, which works on research and educational efforts towards increasing knowledge on biophilia. 

Sara Nikoofard, bio:

Sara Nikoofard (PEng, PhD, LEED Green Associate) is an Energy Efficiency Standards Engineer with BC Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions responsible for analysis and advice on performance and energy efficiency gains achieved by technological, system or design improvements in the built environment. She supports the design, implementation, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of energy efficiency regulations, policy, research or projects, including standards under the Energy Efficiency Act.

Sara worked as a Building Performance Engineer at Stantec and was responsible for providing thorough technical advice through energy modeling and building performance assessment for design assist stage, NECB, and LEED certification.

Sara holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from Dalhousie University where she assessed the cost effectiveness, energy savings and GHG emission reduction benefits of integrated solar technologies for the entire Canadian housing stock (CHS) using a detailed energy and GHG emissions model.

Sara is currently volunteering with ASHRAE Vancouver Island (VI) as chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) committee, as well as co-chair of Sustainability committee.

 Event Details

  • Virtual for outside of Halifax

  • In person, Ticket Purchase includes 2 drink tickets, choice of menu appetizer, and 1 PDH certification from ASHRAE.

  • You don't have to be an ASHRAE member.

  • Tickets must be purchased before the event.

  • Multiple tickets can be purchased at once. 

  • Discount codes can be applied before checkout.


Event Agenda

3pm (11 am PST): Registration and Networking Hour

4pm (noon PST): Chapter President's Address

4:15pm (12:15 PST): Presentation

5pm (1:00 PST): Closing Remarks & Networking Hour


  • We have two table top sponsorship spots available. 

  • Promote your message to all attendees with a tabletop display. 

  • Includes Admission for 1 (2 drink tickets, choice of menu appetizer, and 1 PDH certification from ASHRAE)

 ASHRAE Members and students receive discounted ticket prices.

To learn more on how to become an ASHRAE member, please visit the ASHRAE Society website.


Registration Guidance For ASHRAE Members

If you are an ASHRAE member, your information has been imported into the ASHRAE Halifax events system and you already have an account. Your email is the email address that is listed in the ASHRAE Society database.

  1. Please select the "Sign In" option on the "ASHRAE Member (Society & Halifax Chapter or VI Chapter)"

  2. Put in your email address and select "Need a password?"

  3. Your password will be emailed to you, and you will be able to sign in. After signing in, you can update your profile information if desired. This will only update the records stored within the ASHRAE Halifax or VI chapter database.

  4. Once signed into the ASHRAE Halifax or VI Events system, you will be able to receive the "ASHRAE Member (Society & Halifax or VI Chapter)" ticket price.

Note: If you just joined ASHRAE or renewed a lapsed membership, it will take at least 24 hours before your membership is updated in the Halifax membership database. Please email if you would like to expedite this process.

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5:30 PM17:30

Mechanical Insulation - The Unsung Hero of Building Efficiency

  • 777 Fort Street Victoria, BC, V8W 1H2 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us at VIATEC as Bradley Budden, Executive Director of the BCICA, discusses the state of mechanical insulation in British Columbia. He'll address key challenges facing the market, explore practical strategies for enhancing energy performance, and offer insights into mitigating condensation and maximizing ROI. Join us for a deep dive into this essential building component.

  • What are the major mechanical insulation issues in the British Columbia market?

  • What easy steps can we take to improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint?

  • How can we reduce/remove condensation and conserve energy?


777 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1G9


  • ASHRAE VI Chapter Members - $45

  • Non-Chapter Members & Guests - $50

  • Students - $20

(dinner included with ticket purchase)


  • 5:30pm-6:30pm – Registration & Social

  • 6:30pm-7:15pm – Dinner, Awards & Research Draw

  • 7:15pm-8:00pm – Presentation

Bradley Budden about is the Executive Director of the British Columbia Insulations Contractors Association.  Within his role he is responsible for Managing the BCICA, and for the implementation and management of the BCICA Quality Assurance Certification Inspections Program. He is a highly requested Speaker for Engineering Firms within British Columbia.

Enjoy a buffet dinner of braised beef or vegetarian chili, plus sides, salad, and chocolate cake! Dinner is included with ticket purchase and wine or beer will be available for purchase.


Tickets are limited, so please reserve your tickets early. Don't miss the opportunity to benefit from Bradley’s expertise and network with fellow ASHRAE enthusiasts.

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2024 Green Christmas by VI ASHRAE
5:00 PM17:00

2024 Green Christmas by VI ASHRAE


  • 5:00 to 6:00 pm

    We will be having our monthly BoG meeting at 5:00pm to 6:00pm. The meeting is open to the public and anyone is welcome to join.

  • 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Fun, Bingo Trivia, we hope to have door prizes

Thank you Air Sniper for Sponsoring

and everyone who brought SWAG Door Prizes to share

Join us for a festive celebration at Green Christmas!

Come and experience the magic of the holiday season at our lively event, Green Christmas. Taking place on Thursday, December 12, 2024 at the Irish Times Pub, this in-person gathering promises an unforgettable evening of merriment and joy.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere as we deck the halls with vibrant decorations and embrace the spirit of the season. Indulge in delicious seasonal treats, and raise a glass to good times with friends, old and new.

At Green Christmas, you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Discover innovative ways to celebrate the holidays while minimizing our impact on the environment.

Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or simply want to soak up the festive ambiance, Green Christmas is the perfect event for you. Join us for a night filled with laughter, cheer, and a touch of holiday magic.

Don't miss out on this incredible experience! Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate the season in style at Green Christmas!

We hope you have a chance to join us for one of our VI ASHRAE events and participate with other members, future members or students to help enrich their tool kits, larger networks or HVAC&R skill sets.

We are always looking to improve! Please let us know what we can do better or what we are doing well too.

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

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ASHRAE VI - Royal Jubilee Hospital Mechanical System Tour
1:00 PM13:00

ASHRAE VI - Royal Jubilee Hospital Mechanical System Tour

Join us on November 29, 1:00 PM for an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Victoria Royal Jubilee Hospital's mechanical systems. Last year, we toured the chiller plant and learned about chilled water production. This year we continue our tour, but we’re shifting our focus to the operating room air handling units and cooling tower distribution system—critical components of the hospital’s HVAC infrastructure.

Our tour will begin at the Power House entrance on Lee Road, where our experienced guides will introduce us to the condenser loop, showing how chilled water from the system is directed to specific areas within the hospital, including the high-grade operating room air handling units. These specialized units feature advanced filters, medical-grade components, and unique cooling coils designed to maintain the strict air quality standards required in medical environments.

This will be an exciting opportunity to explore how these systems support optimal conditions in some of the most vital spaces in the hospital. We’ll examine the distribution network and gain insights into the latest technologies and processes that keep these critical systems running efficiently.

Meeting location: Royal Jubilee Hospital – Power House Entrance (see star below)

Don’t miss this chance for an in-depth look at these impressive and complex mechanical systems. Reserve your spot now for an unforgettable exploration of the Victoria Royal Jubilee Hospital’s HVAC innovations.

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5:00 PM17:00

Energy Solutions and Insights for the BC Market

Devery Galenzoski is an Energy Solutions Manager at FortisBC. She  is responsible for the Fortis commercial rebate programs across Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. Based in Victoria, she is dedicated to advancing energy efficiency and connecting customers within the region to sustainable solutions.

Please join us for Devery’s presentation on Energy Solutions and Insights for the BC Market. The presentation will provide an overview of the energy landscape in BC from a utility standpoint, exploring how to navigate an energy transition and utilize the various rebate programs FortisBC offers to support these efforts.


  • Date: October 17th (Thursday)  

  • Meet and Greet: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

  • Dinner: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

  • Presentation: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM


  • Fireside Grill

  • 4509 W Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V8Z 3G1

 Dinner and refreshments will be served at the restaurant. Guests shall select from a set menu on the evening of.  

 Tickets are very limited, so please reserve your tickets early. Don't miss the opportunity to benefit from Devery’s expertise and network with fellow ASHRAE enthusiasts.

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5:00 PM17:00

Panel on Building the Future: Innovations, Sustainability, and Career Pathways in Building Engineering Design

Description: A Panel for Students and people in industry panel to answer some questions about getting involved in the HVAC&R industry around energy modeling and some of perspective of where the industry is going.


  • Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024

  • Time: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

    • Meet n’ greet: 5:00 to 5:30

    • Presentation: 5:30 to 7:30

    • Wrap up: 7:30 to 8:00ish

  • Location: Engineering Computer Science 660 (ECS 660),

    • Just beside construction site of new Engineering addition close to parking Lot 1

Participants: Students and interested industry professionals

MC for the evening will be Alyssa Bentsen. received the ASHRAE Alwin B. Newton Scholarship, in 2022.  She is also a very enthusiastic UVic Mechanical Engineering Student, who has been encouraging her classmates to participate in ASHRAE events. 


Potential Questions:

  1. Light/personal questions to start a Q&A session:

    1. Do you have a hobby you’re passionate about?

    2. Do you have a favorite way to relax after a busy day?

    3. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?

    4. What's the most interesting thing you've learned recently?

  2. What motivated you to pursue engineering, and how has your experience matched your expectations?

  3. Career stories options:

    1. Can you share a unique experience from a niche market you’ve worked in?

    2. What’s the longest you’ve stayed in one job, and why?

    3. How has your career path changed from what you originally planned?

  1. What is the mission of your company, and can you tell us a bit about your team’s diversity in education and location?

  2. If you had only 10 seconds to give job-seeking advice to young people, what would you say?

  3. How do you incorporate green building design into your work daily, and what sustainability trends have you noticed in the industry?

  4. What new green building technologies do you find most promising, and what advice would you give students who want to participate in this field?

We hope you are able to participate and gain some incentive and insight for the students for selecting their co-op and career path and for young professionals looking to get involved in the HVAC&R industry. 

Amy Xu

  • Education

    • University of Victoria

      • Master of Applied Science, Mechanical Engineering

    • Zhejiang University

      • Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Energy Engineering

AME Consulting Group Ltd.

  • Project Manager - Building Performance

  • Building Performance Specialist

  • Active member of the Vancouver Island Chapter of ASHRAE since 2019,

    • Associate 2020

    • Student Member 2019

  • Amy is a dedicated project manager and building performance engineer at AME with five years of experience in delivering energy modeling consulting services. Her expertise spans a diverse range of building types, including recreation centers, residential, commercial, educational, healthcare, museums, and more. Amy specializes in conducting comprehensive whole-building simulations to support various designs and submissions, such as BC Energy Step Code compliance, LEED certification, ZCB certification, and NECB compliance.

  • Her passion for energy-efficient design and commitment to low-carbon systems drive her work Amy helps develop early-stage sustainability targets and strategies. She provides project information for decision-making by identifying and analyzing energy conservation measures, demonstrating parametric sensitivity in critical areas like building envelope, lighting, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems, and domestic hot water systems. Her vision is to shape a future where buildings are more efficient, comfortable, sustainable, and resilient.

Cameron Lutz

  • Education

    • Okanagan College

      • Mechanical Engineering Technology

      • Applied Science Technologist (AScT)

    • LEED AP

  • Reliable Controls

    • Vice President Marketing and Communications

    • Senior Marketing Manager

    • Marketing Manager

  • Houle

    • Sales Manager, Controls

    • PM/Estimator - Controls Division

  • Care Systems Services

    • Project Manager/Estimator

  • Active member of the Vancouver Island Chapter of ASHRAE since 2019,

    • Associate 2023

  • Vice President of Marketing and Communications. In his new role, Cameron leads the Marketing, Website Operations, Training, Creative Services, and Technical Communications teams to amplify the company’s standing as a global leader in building automation technology.

  • Cameron joined Reliable Controls in January 2020 as marketing manager, where he demonstrated his collaborative, compassionate leadership style to empower efficiencies and expand the company’s marketing efforts. Prior to that, he held various roles at controls contracting companies working with Automated Logic and Reliable Controls products, at times overseeing system design, service and operations, and sales and business development. He is an Applied Science Technologist with a specialty in mechanical engineering and a LEED Accredited Professional designation.

  • At Reliable Controls I’ve found my forever home,” says Cameron. “As a contractor I often brought my customers to the Reliable Controls headquarters for tours and wished I could work in an environment like that. Now I do, and I’m fortunate to be part of an international organization that cares and makes a difference around the globe. Every day I am more motivated than the last to make sure everyone knows who Reliable Controls is and what makes us different.

  • With his impressive experience and commitment to developing strong partnerships with the Reliable Controls Authorized Dealer network, Cameron’s strategic leadership will help guide company innovation and growth in the coming years.

  • In his role, Cameron also contributes to developing and implementing building control products that help manage HVAC, lighting, and security systems. His work ensures that these systems are efficient, user-friendly, and forward-compatible with future technologies. Cameron’s expertise in building automation helps clients achieve their sustainability goals while maintaining comfort and efficiency in their facilities.

Rayna Davis

  • Education

    • University of Victoria

      • Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.), Mechanical Engineering

  • Avalon Mechanical Consultants Ltd.

    • Design Engineer

    • Junior Drafter Co-op

  • Department of National Defence · Co-op

    • Junior Drafter

  • Babcock International Group · Co-op

    • Marine Systems Engineering

  • Dometic · Co-op

    • Manufacturing Engineer

  • Active member of the Vancouver Island Chapter of ASHRAE since 2020,

    • Associate 2024

    • Student Member 2020

  • Rayna is a recent graduate of the University of Victoria. She completed a bachelor's of Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Energy Systems. She gained an interest in HVAC after taking the HVAC course offered at UVic

  • Rayna was a student member of ASHRAE as she completed her Engineering degree, and has recently joined as an Associate. Rayna is currently an EIT at Avalon Mechanical Consultants. She works on a team that focuses on healthcare institutions. With this type of work, the team is constantly presented with new projects with different design objectives, which keeps the work interesting. Rayna is keen to be starting her career in a field that offers such diverse work, where she can have a direct impact on necessary environmental design considerations in the coming years.

  • In her spare time, Rayna loves to be creative and spend time outdoors. Her hobbies include tap dancing, soccer, and sewing. 

Wendy Macdonald

  • Education

    • University of Victoria

      • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Mechanical Engineering

  • Sustainability Consultant

    • RJC Engineers (current)

    • Stantec Consulting Services Inc.

    • Advicas Group Consultants Inc.

  • Hirschfield Williams Timmins Mechanical Consultants

    • Mechanical Designer

  • Past Member of the Vancouver Island Chapter of ASHRAE since 2005,

    • Associate 2005

  • Engineer, artist, and opinionated arm-waver with a background in energy conservation, mechanical design and LEED consulting, Wendy channels her expertise and passion for sustainable design into helping teams strategize how best to drive down energy use and carbon emissions.

  • Wendy is a skilled facilitator and an engaging communicator known for being adept at translating technical concepts into plain language and keeping teams excited about “going green”. She is a long-time member of Canada Green Building Council’s (CAGBC) Energy and Engineering Technical Advisory Group, and chairs the CAGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Steering Committee.

  • And yeah, some would say she has a little too much fun mixing her varied skills. Like the time she carefully crafted a little outfit for TEDI the Teddy Bear so he could attend the CAGBC Building Lasting Change conference and show off his insulation and air barrier...thereby educating his admirers about Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI)... Yeah, that.

Refreshments Provided by: Avalon Mechanical Consultants Ltd.

In addition Avalon was one of the University of Victoria  2022 Co-op Employer's of the Year

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4:00 PM16:00

ASHRAE VI Presidential BBQ

Welcome to the ASHRAE Vancouver Island Presidential BBQ! Join us for a fun-filled evening of delicious food, great company, and networking opportunities. The event will take place on Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 4:00 PM at the JDF Rotary Picnic Shelter. Come meet the ASHRAE VI Chapter Board of Governors (BOG) and enjoy some tasty BBQ dishes. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow HVAC professionals and learn more about ASHRAE. See you there!


  • 4:00PM to 5:30PM - BOG Meeting (all are welcome to join)

  • 5:30PM to 8:00PM - Games and Networking

Cost: Free

Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided.

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Inaugural ASHRAE VI Golf Tournament
12:00 PM12:00

Inaugural ASHRAE VI Golf Tournament

We are excited to announce the inaugural ASHRAE VI Golf Tournament!

Friday, June 28th, 2024

Registration Deadline:
Friday, June 14th, 2024

Olympic View Golf Club
643 Latoria Rd, Victoria, BC V9C 3A3

$241 per player and includes lunch, dinner, practice balls & shared power cart

Dress Code:
Dress Code is relaxed. Comfortable golf attire, such as shirt, pants or shorts and suitable footwear is required. Multiple layers are encouraged as weather can change quickly. Steel Spikes not allowed.

For any questions about the tournament or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities (dinner, lunch, holes, beverage, etc.), please email:

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Women in STEM Social
4:30 PM16:30

Women in STEM Social

Join us for a networking social for women in STEM for professional connections, support and fun.

Casual - no-host bar, food is available to order.

Co-sponsored by the Vancouver Island Chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and Island Women in Science and Technology (iWIST).

There is no entrance fee, but please register to reserve your spot.

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Building Decarbonization (Electrification) for Hydronic Systems
5:00 PM17:00

Building Decarbonization (Electrification) for Hydronic Systems

We have an exciting announcement to share with you - the upcoming monthly CTTC meeting will feature a special presentation by Mick Schwedler, a renowned ASHRAE figure. However, there is a catch - we have a limited number of tickets available, and they are expected to sell out fast! So, mark your calendars and secure your spot for this highly anticipated event:

So, mark your calendars and secure your spot for this highly anticipated event:

  • When?

    • Date: March 14 (Thursday)

    • Meet and Greet: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

    • Dinner: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

    • Presentation: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

  • Where?

    • Fireside Grill

    • 4509 W Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V8Z 3G1

Dinner and refreshments will be served at the restaurant. Guests shall select from a set menu on the evening of.  

Mick Schwedler's presentation, titled "Building Decarbonization (Electrification) for Hydronic Systems," will uncover valuable insights on heat recovery chillers, heat pumps, and chiller/heaters. You'll gain a deeper understanding of:

  • Design choices that will reduce emissions and electrify buildings

  • Methods to simplify system design and operation

  • The impact of hot water and outdoor air temperatures

  • The importance of empowering building operators and facility managers to maximize system performance


Mick Schwedler's professional background includes being active in the development and support of HVAC systems for Trane since 1982. He holds an MSME from the University of Wisconsin Solar Energy Laboratory and a BSME from Northwestern University. Mick has served as the 2021-2022 ASHRAE President, and he is an ASHRAE Fellow and recipient of multiple ASHRAE awards. Moreover, he has authored numerous articles and provided technical systems education to engineers worldwide.

Tickets are very limited, so please reserve your tickets early. Don't miss the opportunity to benefit from Mick Schwedler's expertise and network with fellow ASHRAE enthusiasts.

Act swiftly and click the link below to claim your seat at this must-attend ASHRAE event!

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Designing Hydronic Systems for Net Zero Buildings
11:30 AM11:30

Designing Hydronic Systems for Net Zero Buildings

This month’s meeting “Designing Hydronic Systems for Net Zero Buildings” is sponsored by Caleffi Hydronic Solutions.

Topic: Designing Hydronic Systems for Net Zero Buildings

Description: Hydronics offers an excellent way to address sensible heating and cooling loads in markets transitioning to a zero energy building future.  This course will discuss the strengths and limitations of water-based heating and cooling systems.  Considering the vast amount of buildings operating with hydronic systems today, a clearer transition path is required to adapt to the energy plants of the future.  Incorporating proper ventilation with hydronic systems is key for zero energy buildings. 

Date: February 21st @ 11:30am

Location: VIATEC (777 Fort Street)

Schedule: The meeting will start at 11:30am for meet and greet. Lunch will be served shortly afterwards. At 12:00pm, the presentation will begin and should last approx 1 hour including questions.

Meal: Jones Barbeque

Option 1 = Brisket sandwich w/ potato salad & beverage

Option 2 = Pork sandwich w/ potato salad & beverage

Option 3 = No food order option (ie presentation only)

Note: We will have to cutoff food orders 24 hours prior to the meeting. (ie 12:00pm February 22nd)

Speaker: Max Rohr

Role: Director, Education & Technical Marketing

Bio: After graduating from the University of Utah, Max Rohr began his manufacturing career at the Caleffi headquarters in Italy. He had 20+ years of work experience in installation, distribution, manufacturers’ representative, and manufacturing roles before returning to Caleffi in 2020. Max describes himself as an “energy nerd.”

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Investing in Decarbonization! Getting in on the ‘Radiant Floor’
9:00 AM09:00

Investing in Decarbonization! Getting in on the ‘Radiant Floor’

Please save the date Thursday January 11, 2024 at 11 am CST as Regional XI will be hosting an exciting webinar titled ‘Investing in Decarbonization! Getting in on the ‘Radiant Floor’. 

ASHRAE President Ginger Scoggins has selected the theme for the 2023-24 ASHRAE Society Year as  “Challenge Accepted: Tackling the Climate Crisis.”

Ginger notes “We are living in a climate emergency. Our desire to be more comfortable has brought us to a place where we need to make uncomfortable decisions. We can accept the challenge of our day regarding the impact of our buildings on the climate crises by equipping our members with the knowledge they need to design and renovate buildings to address the greenhouse gas emissions of our industry.”

Region XI is embracing the challenge and will be hosting a webinar that will be an impressive presentation that Region XI’s own members presented at the ASHRAE Building Decarbonization Conference in Washington DC October 25, 2023. 

Presentation title – Investing in Decarbonization! Getting in on the ‘Radiant Floor’

Presentation Content – Radiant Floor heating and cooling systems can play a critical role in the effort to decarbonize construction, while ensuring comfortable, healthy indoor environments.  Join this session to explore the key design considerations, strategies and benefits of these systems, along with an honest discussion of the challenges that lead architects and builders to remove them. 


1. Radiant Floors: Decarbonization Using Building Simulation Brett Banadyga, P.Eng., LEED Green Associate, Associate, The AME Consulting Group Ltd., Calgary, AB, Canada

2. De-Value Engineering of Radiant Floors Ryan W Johnson, P.Eng., Associate, MacPherson Engineering, SK, Canada

3. The Learning Curve of Operating Radiant Floor Buildings Christopher Sawicki, CEFP, Member, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada


Region XI is encouraging members of the region to reach out and invite your contacts such as energy providers, city managers, provincial and state policy makers, home builders, regional BOMA members and your friends to jump in on this lecture to ensure ASHRAE solutions are part of our shared future.


Region XI is also asking each chapter to post this information webinar on their social media platforms. 

Webinar link

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Green Christmas by VI ASHRAE
5:00 PM17:00

Green Christmas by VI ASHRAE


  • 5:00 to 6:00 pm

    We will be having our monthly BoG meeting at 5:00pm to 6:00pm. The meeting is open to the public and anyone is welcome to join.

  • 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Fun, Bingo Trivia, we hope to have door prizes

Join us for a festive celebration at Green Christmas!

Come and experience the magic of the holiday season at our lively event, Green Christmas. Taking place on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at the Irish Times Pub, this in-person gathering promises an unforgettable evening of merriment and joy.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere as we deck the halls with vibrant decorations and embrace the spirit of the season. Indulge in delicious seasonal treats, and raise a glass to good times with friends, old and new.

At Green Christmas, you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Discover innovative ways to celebrate the holidays while minimizing our impact on the environment.

Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or simply want to soak up the festive ambiance, Green Christmas is the perfect event for you. Join us for a night filled with laughter, cheer, and a touch of holiday magic.

Don't miss out on this incredible experience! Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate the season in style at Green Christmas!

We hope you have a chance to join us for one of our VI ASHRAE events and participate with other members, future members or students to help enrich their tool kits, larger networks or HVAC&R skill sets.

We are always looking to improve! Please let us know what we can do better or what we are doing well too.

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

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Building permitting process
11:30 AM11:30

Building permitting process


  • 11:30 - 12:00 pm Meet 'n Greet

  • 12:00 to 1:00 meal

  • 12:00 to 1:30 presentation + Q&A


The building permitting process can seem both daunting and confusing. This presentation is intended to outline the permitting process, the reasons for this process as well discuss some pitfalls during the submissions which delays approval.

Calvin Gray, P.Eng.

Calvin Gray is the Chief Building and Plumbing Inspector for the City of Victoria. Previously Calvin was a Fire Safety Engineer at the Office of Fire Commissioner (Manitoba). Before this Calvin was a structural engineer for 25+ years. Calvin enjoys hiking, biking, woodworking, and baking.

Pronouns: He/Him/His

  • Chief Building & Plumbing Inspector – Permits & Inspections

  • Sustainable Planning and Community Development

  • City of Victoria

We at Vancouver Island ASHRAE would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Avalon Mechanical for the support throughout the years for VI ASHRAE. Your sponsorship for this November Meeting will help with our Chapter operations! We will be able to organize dinner meetings and help with reservation costs.

We hope you have a chance to join us for one of our VI ASHRAE events and participate with other members, future members or students to help enrich their tool kits, larger networks or HVAC&R skill sets.

We are always looking to improve! Please let us know what we can do better or what we are doing well too.

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

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 Refrigeration Regulatory requirements and HVAC industry
11:30 AM11:30

Refrigeration Regulatory requirements and HVAC industry


  • 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Meet 'n Greet

  • 12:00 - 1:00 pm meal & presentation


  • What type of refrigeration systems are considered regulated item (including A/C, heat pumps, etc.)

  • Administrative regulatory requirements on regulated refrigeration systems (such as permit, design registration, licensed contractor, certified operator requirements)

  • Technical code and regulation requirements (machinery room, system application requirements, Refrigerant-specific requirements.)


Hamid Azarnoush works as a Senior Safety Officer in Boilers, Pressure Vessels, and Refrigeration technology at Technical Safety BC. With over 13 years of experience as a design engineer in the refrigeration field prior to joining Technical Safety BC, Hamid has been a part of many recreational, industrial, and mining projects across North America, including the Whistler Sliding Centre for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Hamid holds a mechanical engineering degree from UBC and is a registered professional engineer in BC.

Find out more about VI ASHRAE here,

We at Vancouver Island ASHRAE would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to Trane for the support throughout the years for VI ASHRAE. Your sponsorship for this October Meeting will help with our Chapter operations! We will be able to organize dinner meetings and help with reservation costs.

We hope you have a chance to join us for one of our VI ASHRAE events and participate with other members, future members or students to help enrich their tool kits, larger networks or HVAC&R skill sets.

We are always looking to improve! Please let us know what we can do better or what we are doing well too.

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

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5:00 PM17:00

YBN x VI YEA Patio Social

What happens when a group of engineers gets together with a group of construction professionals?

Only one way to find out!

Vancouver Island YEA (Young Engineers of ASHRAE) is jointly hosting a summer social with Vancouver Island Construction Association (VICA) Young Builders Network (YBN)! Come join us to meet YBN!

Appetizers are provided! We will have network Bingo to break the ice!

75 people registered so far!

Date and time

Starts on Thu, Jul 20, 2023 5:00 PM PDT


CRAFT Beer Market Victoria Harbour 450 Swift Street Victoria, BC V8W 1S3


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VI ASHRAE Tour of The Rotunda, 1515 Douglas
5:00 PM17:00

VI ASHRAE Tour of The Rotunda, 1515 Douglas


  • 5:00 - 5:15 pm meet in lobby: Meet 'n Greet

  • 5:10 - 6:30 pm: Tour

  • 6:30 - ?? pm: Coffee/refreshments in Lobby and/or Sherwood

Learn more about ASHRAE Vancouver Island at


VI ASHRAE is proud to give a tour focused on the mechanical systems of the The Rotunda mixed-use commercial building at 1515 Douglas. The Rotunda is a six-storey class AA LEED Platinum certified office and retail development located across from Victoria City Hall, owned and managed by Jawl Properties Ltd. The 110,000 sqft project features large and flexible floor plates, a high-quality materials palate and cutting-edge technologies contributing to premium working environments, industry-leading energy-performance, and stunning city views.

Mechanical features of the project include:

  • fully electrified HVAC system incorporating a hybrid air/ground-source heat-recovery heat-pump system

  • fast-acting modular radiant ceiling system providing efficient heating and cooling to all office spaces

  • high-efficiency centralized HRV air handling system acting as a DOAS with CO2 demand-controlled ventilation

  • integrated stormwater management including on-site rain gardens, a “Jellyfish” stormwater filtration system, and a 300m³ rainwater harvesting system designed to meet 100% of irrigation needs and contribute to 45% potable water use reduction site-wide

  • comprehensive building automation system throughout the project

The design of The Rotunda was led by DAU Studio (D’Ambrosio Architecture + Urbanism), a Victoria-based firm that specializes in urban design, civic buildings, mixed-use developments, and heritage restoration. Introba (formerly Integral Group) was responsible for Mechanical, Sustainability, and Energy Modeling consulting; AES Engineering provided Electrical consulting, RJC Engineers provided Structural and Building Enclosure consulting, WSP provided Civil Engineering consulting, and Murdoch de Greeff were the project’s Landscape Architects.

Principal and Victoria Office Leader

Since joining Integral Group in 2007, Andy has gained a mastery of the design, construction, and contractual challenges of complex projects working with clients across a diverse range of sectors. He was responsible for growing Integral’s integrated MEP team in Victoria from the ground up, and has been influential in expanding “deep green” engineering and consulting services in the Western Canada region. Andy has presented on High Performance Buildings, Large-Scale Passive House Design, and Building Electrification at BUILDEX Vancouver, the North America Passive House Network Conference, and the Passive House Canada Conference. He has also guest lectured to engineering students at UVIC and presented to local industry groups like the Vancouver Island Construction Association, and local chapters of AIBC and RAIC.

In addition to involvement in many notable green building developments in the greater Victoria area, Andy has contributed a big-picture approach to sustainability in the local built environment, working directly with the City of Victoria and District of Saanich in industry consultations on the BC Energy Step Code, and municipal Climate Leadership Plans. Andy was the Mechanical Engineer of Record on the 1515 Douglas & 750 Pandora project, and worked with Jawl Properties and the City of Victoria to demonstrate the project as one of the first commercial-scale case studies that informed the local adoption of the BC Energy Step Code and Carbon Pollution Standards.

Find out more about VI ASHRAE here,

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Panel - Virtual Event
6:00 PM18:00

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Panel - Virtual Event

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Panel

YEA (Young Engineers of ASHRAE) and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committees presents virtual DEI Panel!

This is a joint event with the Alaska ASHRAE Chapter.

Our panel of distinguished ASHRAE members will discuss their experience with and interpretation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, the ASHRAE Society Presidential topic of this year.

We are very proud to have our VI Chapter member and Chapter’s DEI Chair Sara Nikoofard on the panel, along with members of ASHRAE Society’s Committee Members Devin Abellon and Susanna Hanson!

Join us virtually on Wednesday, April 26th at 6 PM!


Sara Nikoofard, PhD, PEng, CMVP

Sara Nikoofard is an Energy Efficiency Standards Engineer with BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation. She provides technical analysis and advice on performance and energy efficiency gains achieved by technological, system, or design improvements in the built environment. Sara supports the design, implementation, delivery, monitoring, and evaluation of energy efficiency regulations, policy, research, or projects, including standards under the Energy Efficiency Act.

Sara has extensive experience in building energy simulation and modeling, energy savings and GHG emissions reduction, techno-economic assessment, Net-Zero Energy buildings, and integrating renewable energy technologies. She has worked in public and private sector as well as academia, which provides a diverse perspective on building energy efficiency and decarbonization.

Sara holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Dalhousie University and did her master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Iran. Working and studying in both countries with diverse cultural differences, unique climates, and differences in codes and standards gave Sara a great perspective on considering Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in her work.

Sara is serving as Chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for ASHRAE Vancouver Island Chapter and in the past, she held the position of Chair of Sustainability in the same chapter.

Devin Abellon, PE

Devin Abellon is the Business Development Manager for Engineering Services at Uponor North America. He has over 29 years of experience in the HVAC and plumbing industries with a focus on sustainable building design and construction. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is a registered professional engineer in California and Arizona. Abellon is an active member of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). He serves on the ASHRAE Board of Directors as the Region X Director and Regional Chair.

Susanna Hanson, CEM, DGCP

Susanna Hanson is principal engineer for Honeywell, where she is focused on refrigerant codes and standards to enable their safe use, whether in HVACR or other applications.

Prior to joining Honeywell, she spent 25 years with Trane, serving in technical roles with diverse responsibilities. She is a Certified Energy Manager who helped Trane achieve science-based targets on sustainability and climate action and advised product development teams on energy codes.

She is currently serving ASHRAE as chair of Standards Committee, as Director and Chair of Region VI, and as a member of the Board of Directors Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Subcommittee. She was a 12-year member of ASHRAE 90.1. She earned her engineering degree from the University of Florida, focusing on energy auditing, energy management and building energy and simulation techniques. Susanna holds seven patents in the areas of HVAC system and control for chilled-water systems with thermal storage and geothermal elements.

Andrea Hulman-Watsjold, PE

Andrea Hulman-Watsjold has seven years of experience as an RF (radio frequency) and electrical engineer and currently works at Pacific Dataport, Inc. Born and raised in Anchorage, she holds two bachelor degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Physics from Scripps College (2012) and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Alaska, Anchorage (2015).

Andrea began her career at GCI in 2015, joining the RF Engineering team in Network Services. While there she worked on regulatory compliance projects and maintained satellite infrastructure that provided statewide telephony and internet services. One of her major projects was to migrate services statewide from one satellite to another while simultaneously upgrading aging infrastructure. This required over a year of planning across different departments before execution, which took a further six months. She joined Pacific Dataport in the spring of 2021 and is currently finalizing preparations for the launch of the Aurora4A satellite, anticipated in early 2023. Andrea is responsible for designing the new satellite’s hub infrastructure and the smaller terminals placed at customer locations.

In her spare time, Andrea enjoys reading and tabletop gaming with friends. She has performed with the Anchorage Concert Chorus for eleven seasons, including during their recent performance at Carnegie Hall.

Sam Ranasigamani

Sam Ratnasigamani was born in Tirunelveli, India, a very tropical place, and had all his schooling from elementary to undergraduate in Chennai (old name, current Madras), India. Sam graduated from University of Madras with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering and moved to Dekalb, Illinois, USA where he completed a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from Northern Illinois University in 2005. Sam enjoyed his learning and working experience in the Midwest USA.

He completed his graduate project in the design of heating systems for smart homes and moved to Alaska in 2006 after securing a job as an Intern for a construction firm in Anchorage. He has now lived in Anchorage for the past 17 years. Sam is currently employed at RSA Engineering where he focuses on mechanical design for commercial buildings in Southcentral Alaska. Sam enjoys the outdoors, playing cricket, and going to libraries with his two teenage children.

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to Apr 21


  • Student Union Building – Michèle Pujol Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the “ASHRAE Vancouver Island HVAC&R Trade Show 2023" sponsored by the ASHRAE Vancouver Island Chapter, a show offering the latest products and technologies to our industry.

Gala Dinner Presentation

When: April 20


  • 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

  • 6:00 - 7:00 pm: meal

  • 7:00 - 8:30 pm: Presentation/Q&A (multi-item menu)

**Note this will be an in person and virtual event:

Learn more about ASHRAE Vancouver Island at


VI ASHRAE is proud to welcome ASHRAE Past Society President and Distinguished Lecturer, Darryl Boyce, to our April Gala Trade Show Meeting.

Achieving Net Zero Operation in an Existing Building Retrofit – The ASHRAE Headquarters Experience

The presentation will describe the journey from the decision to purchase an existing 1970’s building through the design, construction, and commissioning of the facility. We will then explore how you can transition to effective operations to achieve the energy use and carbon reduction targets. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities in the application of Intelligent Buildings.

Target Audience:

ASHRAE Members, Engineers/Consultants, Regulators, Building Owners/Operators, Students, Educators


Darryl Boyce,

Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng., Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE, was the ASHRAE President for the 2019-2020 term. Boyce has previously served on the board of directors as treasurer, vice president, Director and Regional Chair Region 2 and director-at-large.

Boyce is retired and was previously special advisor to the vice-president (Finance and Administration) – and the assistant vice president of facilities management and planning – at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario .

Throughout his time spent with ASHRAE and in the HVAC industry, Boyce has worked on various projects to increase energy efficiency. His most recent projects include the SNOLAB project in Sudbury, Ontario, where he is responsible for the design and construction of a world class research facility for underground science.

Boyce is a 1982 graduate of the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and earned his Engineering Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology in 1973.


University Club, University of Victoria

Trade Show and Technical talks, April 21, 2023

9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Student Union Building

Trade Show - Michèle Pujol Room

Tech talks - B025

Technical Talks Friday April 21

at Student Union Building B025

9:30 * Moderator Dami Dabiri Speakers/Panelists Justin Blanchfield, Ken Sinclair and Brad White Panel Discussion "How to Speed up Decarbonization" Covering related topics including: low carbon roadmaps and planning, project funding and financing, and successfully transitioning to ongoing operations at the end of the project.


10:30 * Tom Zaban Sustainability in the built environment


11:30 * Mark Watson Heating with Compressors


12:30 * Ben Nishi RNG and energy transition


1:30 * Bart Ransom Decarbonization of Domestic Hot Water Systems for healthcare, multi-family and commercial buildings


2:30 * Joe Fida Interaction of energy efficiency and indoor air quality (IAQ) in building design and operation


3:30 * Saeed Danesh Principles of Radiant Cooling & Heating Systems


9:30 * Moderator Dami Dabiri Speakers/Panelists Justin Blanchfield, Ken Sinclair and Brad White Panel Discussion "How to Speed up Decarbonization" Covering related topics including: low carbon roadmaps and planning, project funding and financing, and successfully transitioning to ongoing operations at the end of the project. 〰️ 10:30 * Tom Zaban Sustainability in the built environment 〰️ 11:30 * Mark Watson Heating with Compressors 〰️ 12:30 * Ben Nishi RNG and energy transition 〰️ 1:30 * Bart Ransom Decarbonization of Domestic Hot Water Systems for healthcare, multi-family and commercial buildings 〰️ 2:30 * Joe Fida Interaction of energy efficiency and indoor air quality (IAQ) in building design and operation 〰️ 3:30 * Saeed Danesh Principles of Radiant Cooling & Heating Systems 〰️

  • Moderator

    Dami Dabiri


    Justin Blanchfield

    Ken Sinclair

    Brad White

    Panel Discussion

    "How to Speed up Decarbonization"

    Covering related topics including: low carbon roadmaps and planning, project funding and financing, and successfully transitioning to ongoing operations at the end of the project.

  • Tom Zaban

    Sustainability in the built environment

  • Mark Watson

    Heating with Compressors

  • Ben Nishi

    RNG and energy transition

  • Bart Ransom

    Decarbonization of Domestic Hot Water Systems for healthcare, multi-family and commercial buildings

  • Joe Fida

    Interaction of energy efficiency and indoor air quality (IAQ) in building design and operation

  • Saeed Danesh

    Principles of Radiant Cooling & Heating Systems

Location: Student Union Building, University of Victoria


  • Your Customers

  • Consulting Engineers

  • Government Representatives

  • Contractors

  • Architects

  • Building Owners/Operators

  • Students


  • This is the only total HVAC-Refrigeration Trade Show on Vancouver Island that will provide you with an opportunity to advertise your products to key people in the industry. We look forward to your participation.

  • Show attendance and participation will be encouraged through promotion and advertising at the ASHRAE Vancouver Island Chapter and all our local industry partners.


  • Booth space is limited so we urge you to fill out and submit the attached Registration Form as soon as possible to ensure the best booth selection.

  • Regular booths are 6ft x 10ft and Large booths are 8ft x 10ft. Each booth will include a backwall, sidewalls and one 750W single power outlet.

  • Booths will be assigned on a first paid and registered basis.

  • Maximum two (2) booths per exhibitor as per ASHRAE regulations.

  • Booths are to be setup on Thursday April 20 from 9 am to 6 pm.

  • Booths must be removed on Friday April 21 by 6 pm.

  • A Trade Show Dinner will be held on Thursday April 20, 2023 evening at the University Club.

  • Technical seminars will be held Friday April 21 at the UVic Student Union Building. Please indicate on the registration form if your company would be interested in providing a one hour technical seminar. Due to the seminar schedule, we may not be able to accommodate all presentations. Note all presentations must adhere to ASHRAE commercialism guidelines and must be submitted for review minimum of one week prior to the trade show.

  1. Standard Table, 6' x 10' dimensions ($800)

  2. Large Table, 8' x 10' dimensions ($900)

Thanks to our Platinum Sponsors

Thanks to our Gold Sponsors

  • Platinum Sponsor: $1,000

    o   Premium recognition of your company throughout the Trade Show

    o   Premium recognition of your company at the Trade Show Dinner

    o   Premium advertising space in the Trade Show Program Guide

    o   Logo and hyperlink displayed on the Trade Show website

    o   Two tickets to the Trade Show Dinner

  • Gold Sponsor: $600

    o   Recognition of your company throughout the Trade Show

    o   Advertising space in the Trade Show Program Guide

    o   Logo and hyperlink displayed on the Trade Show website

    o   Two tickets to the Trade Show Dinner

  • Silver Sponsor: $300

    o   Recognition of your company and organization throughout the trade show

    o   Advertising space in the Trade Show Program Guide

    o   Logo and hyperlink of your choice displayed on 2023 Trade Show website

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

View Event →
6:00 PM18:00

ASHRAE Meet the HVAC Industry Event - Learn more about careers in HVAC

We are hosting a virtual MEET THE HVAC INDUSTRY event on April 12th, 2023, at 6pm. We’ll bring in a few of our members with different jobs to share insights about their careers, their day-to-day work, and how they landed their first job. This is a great opportunity for you to network, learn what skills are critical for certain careers, and ask questions!

This is a joint event with British Columbia Chapter.

 Examples of the jobs we will present include: 

  • Mechanical Designer/Consultant

  • Building Energy Modeling

  • Applications Engineer

  • Estimator

  • Project Manager

  • Technical Sales

Meeting Details

Topic: ASHRAE – Meet the HVAC Industry

Time: April 12, 2023, at 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Cost: Free

 Target Audience: College and University Students

Join from the WEBEX meeting link


Join by meeting number

 Meeting number (access code): 2334 110 1865

 Meeting password: 5rwEmF45DaU


  Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

18772503560,,23341101865## Canada Toll Free

+14702385742,,23341101865## US Toll


 Join by phone

18772503560 Canada Toll Free

+14702385742 US Toll

Global call-in numbers  |  Toll-free calling restrictions


  Join from a video system or application


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.


 Need help? Go to   

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4:00 PM16:00

Vancouver Island ASHRAE Presents St. Patrick's Day Trivia Night 🍀

Hello ASHRAE Members!

We are hosting Trivia at Swans with our Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Devin Abellon. We have prepared a fun packed game night on St. Patrick's Day!

We will meet at Swan's Brew Pub! What better place to get together on a St. Patrick’s Day!

Wearing something green is encouraged! 🍀 Appetizers will be provided!

4:00 - 4:30 Check-in
4:30 - 6:00 Trivia!

This event was made possible thanks to our sponsors! Drink sponsored by HVAC Systems on first come basis. AV equipment provided by Morrison Hershfield.

VI ASHRAE YEA (Young Engineers of ASHRAE) + VI ASHRAE Membership Promotion (MP)

Contact YEA Chair, Yoora for future YEA event sponsorships!

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The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice
5:00 PM17:00

The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

  • Sports View Lounge at Oak Bay Recreation Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Joint event with Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC) Victoria Branch


The integrity of the HVAC industry is dependent on sound technical design, reliable products, skilled construction practice and consistent maintenance and operation. But another critical element that is sometimes overlooked is professional ethics. As members within the HVAC industry engineers, contractors, architects, manufacturers, vendors and building owners are expected to exhibit the highest standard of honesty and integrity to safeguard the confidence that the public has in us.  In this very competitive climate, however, it is sometimes tempting to "bend the rules" to some degree in order to gain an advantage over competition or to simply get the job done on time. But how much is too much? Is there a clearly defined line between ethical practice and "just the way things are done?"

Target Audience: ASHRAE Members, Engineers, Consultants, Regulators, Building Owners, Students, Educators

“The (un)Ethical Engineer” is an interactive, multimedia, dramatic presentation that explores these issues through the eyes of a well-intentioned engineer.

Presenter Bio:
Devin Abellon, P.E.,
is the Business Development Manager for Engineering Services at Uponor North America. He has over 29 years of experience in the HVAC and plumbing industries with a focus on sustainable building design and construction. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara and is a registered professional engineer in California and Arizona. Abellon is an active member of the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). He serves on the ASHRAE Board of Directors as the Region X Director and Regional Chair.

We will have a short opening presentation from our guest speaker, Lucy Kryachok. She is from Ukraine and will talk about her work in helping refugees at the Polish Ukrainian border for the first 3 months of the war. She also traveled across the war zone and continues her work to support Ukraine with her team and their non-profit Hope Foundation. You can read more about her work and organization in the website below.


  • 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

  • 6:00 - 7:00 pm: meal

  • 6:45 - 7:00 pm: special short opening presentation

  • 7:00 - 8:30 pm: Presentation/Q&A

Tickets Via EGBC site, ticket sales close on March 12, Do not have an EGBC account? Create an account

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie,

  • Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto,

  • Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick,

  • Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Herald Street Brew Works,

January 19, Lilah Amlan,

  • Teaching hope in a time of crises

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Devin Abellon,

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, VI ASHRAE Trade Show Gala Diner

April 21, VI ASHRAE Trade Show

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings
5:00 PM17:00

Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

  • Vancouver Island Conference Center, Nanaimo River Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


VI ASHRAE is proud to welcome ASHRAE Past Society President and Distinguished Lecturer, Sheila Hayter, to our February Meeting. Sheila will introduce us to technical opportunities, means, and methods for incorporating renewable energy (RE) technologies into building designs and operations. She will give an overview of RE resources and available technologies used successfully to offset building electrical and thermal energy loads. Methods for applying these technologies in buildings and the role of building energy efficiency (EE) in successful RE projects will be addressed. Sheila will also share a case study of a large office building project that successfully incorporated RE and EE strategies to achieve net zero-energy operations.

Target Audience: ASHRAE Members, Engineers/Consultants, Regulators, Building Owners, Students, Educators

Sheila Hayter

Sheila Hayter, PE, Fellow ASHRAE, Presidential Member is the Laboratory Program Manager (LPM) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) at DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). In this role, she leads NREL’s portfolio of activities focused on helping U.S. federal agencies identify, implement, and evaluate opportunities related to energy/water resilience and security, facility and fleet optimization, and energy and project procurement.  In addition to her FEMP LPM responsibilities, Sheila also co-leads NREL’s initiative to achieve net-zero emissions in laboratory operations, expected to be achieved through energy efficiency enhancements and increased integration of clean energy sources.  Sheila served as the 2018-2019 ASHRAE President and has held many other ASHRAE leadership roles throughout her career.  Sheila is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado.


  • 5:00 - 6:00 pm: Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

  • 6:00 - 7:00 pm: meal

  • 7:00 - 8:30 pm: Presentation/Q&A (multi-item menu)

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie,

  • Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto,

  • Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick,

  • Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Herald Street Brew Works,

January 19, Lilah Amlan,

  • Teaching hope in a time of crises

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Devin Abellon,

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, VI ASHRAE Trade Show

April 21, Brad White Justin Blanchfield and Ken Sinclair, Panel Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings
11:00 AM11:00

Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

  • Inn at Laurel Point, Roger's Suite (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


VI ASHRAE is proud to welcome ASHRAE Past Society President and Distinguished Lecturer, Sheila Hayter, to our February Meeting. Sheila will introduce us to technical opportunities, means, and methods for incorporating renewable energy (RE) technologies into building designs and operations. She will give an overview of RE resources and available technologies used successfully to offset building electrical and thermal energy loads. Methods for applying these technologies in buildings and the role of building energy efficiency (EE) in successful RE projects will be addressed. Sheila will also share a case study of a large office building project that successfully incorporated RE and EE strategies to achieve net zero-energy operations.

Target Audience: ASHRAE Members, Engineers/Consultants, Regulators, Building Owners, Students, Educators

Sheila Hayter

Sheila Hayter, PE, Fellow ASHRAE, Presidential Member is the Laboratory Program Manager (LPM) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) at DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). In this role, she leads NREL’s portfolio of activities focused on helping U.S. federal agencies identify, implement, and evaluate opportunities related to energy/water resilience and security, facility and fleet optimization, and energy and project procurement.  In addition to her FEMP LPM responsibilities, Sheila also co-leads NREL’s initiative to achieve net-zero emissions in laboratory operations, expected to be achieved through energy efficiency enhancements and increased integration of clean energy sources.  Sheila served as the 2018-2019 ASHRAE President and has held many other ASHRAE leadership roles throughout her career.  Sheila is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado.


  • 11:00 am - Noon: Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

  • Noon - 1:00 pm: Lunch/Presentation/Q&A (multi-item menu)

  • 1:00 - 1:30 pm: Wrap-up

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie,

  • Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto,

  • Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick,

  • Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Herald Street Brew Works,

January 19, Lilah Amlan,

  • Teaching hope in a time of crises

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Devin Abellon,

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, VI ASHRAE Trade Show Dinner

April 21, Brad White Justin Blanchfield and Ken Sinclair, Panel Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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6:00 PM18:00

Young Engineers of ASHRAE (YEA) - Board Game Night!

  • Interactivity Board Game Cafe (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hello Friends!

Let’s gather up and play some board games!

We will meet at Interactivity Board Game Cafe where they have a nice big selection of board games for us to play! They also have a kitchen to order sandwiches, pizza, coffee, milkshakes, and is also licensed!

Register and Vancouver Island ASHRAE Chapter will cover your fee to play!

As always, all are welcome regardless of their age! Please come support YEA! We encourage bringing a friend or a colleague who qualifies as a YEA member.

To find us, ask for the ASHRAE group when you come in to the Board Game Cafe!

Feel free to pop in when you can and stay as long as you’d like!

The mission of  Vancouver Island YEA is to provide young Engineers (age 35 and under) in the HVAC&R industry networking, mentorship, leadership, and technical educational opportunities in a fun, open environment. Supporters of YEA at any age are always welcome to all YEA events!

ASHRAE Chapters may not act for the society and the information presented here has not had society review. To learn more about ASHRAE® activities on an International level, contact the ASHRAE® home page at

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Teaching hope in a time of crises
5:00 PM17:00

Teaching hope in a time of crises

  • Sports View Lounge at Oak Bay Recreation Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Housing, climate, income inequality...the students of today face challenges not seen in our recent history. How do we help them see hope for the future with respect to the built environment? This presentation will examine popular and unpopular innovative and passive strategies, and include a guided discussion on how our generation can motivate and inspire the next generation to join our work on reducing the environmental impacts associated with buildings.

Target Audience: ASHRAE Members, Engineers/Consultants, Students, Educators

Lilah Amlani, P.Eng.

HVAC, Fluid Dynamics, and Heat Transfer instructor in the Mechanical Engineering Departments at Camosun and UVic. Specializing in energy efficiency and the environment.  10+ years experience in the Green Building, Sustainable design and Secondary Education Sectors.


5:00 - 6:00 pm - Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

6:00 - 7:00 pm - Dinner (multi-item menu)

7:00 - 8:00 pm - Presentation, Q&A

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie,

  • Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto,

  • Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick,

  • Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Herald Street Brew Works,

January 19, Lilah Amlan,

  • Teaching hope in a time of crises

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Devin Abellon,

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, Brad White Justin Blanchfield and Ken Sinclair, Panel Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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VI ASHRAE Holiday Celebration
5:00 PM17:00

VI ASHRAE Holiday Celebration


Having fun and relaxing

Target Audience: ASHRAE Members, Architects, Engineers/Consultants, Building Officials, Inspectors, Specification Writers, Building Owners and technical students.

5:00 - 8:00 pm - Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

Come to our traditional ASHRAE Chapter 145 Christmas Party. Mingle with with other members of the HVAC community in Vancouver Island. Spouses, friends , family and co-workers are very welcome.

 Please RSVP early. Space is limited to about 30 people so book early!

  • Please confirm so their kitchen can be prepared – they have GREAT food!

  • Please forward this invitation to anyone you think would be interested in attending.

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie, Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto, Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick, Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Herald Street Brew Works,

January 19, Lilah Amlani Topic TBD

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Devin Abellon

  • 10 Common Errors with Hydronic Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems - and How to Avoid Them.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and ASHRAE: Does it Really Matter?

  • Embedded Tube Radiant Systems to Maximize Energy Efficiency

  • Hydronic Piping with PEX: Pros and Pitfalls

  • Radiant Cooling Heat Transfer Fundamentals

  • Radiant Heating and Cooling Control Strategies

  • Specifying Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, Brad White Justin Blanchfield and Ken Sinclair, Panel Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers
5:00 PM17:00

Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

  • Sports View Lounge at Oak Bay Recreation Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


To advance one's knowledge SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

Target Audience: ASHRAE Members, Architects, Engineers/Consultants, Building Officials, Inspectors, Specification Writers, Building Owners, and Fire Marshals.

Overview presentation of the 6th Edition SMACNA Manual. Will touch on what Engineers need to know about Fire and Smoke Dampers. Updated model building codes, Breakaway connections, Testing and Maintenance of Fire Dampers. The Engineers and Architects responsibilities. Building compartmentalizing with fire rated separations. Effective fire protection plans that include detection, suppression and containment active and passive. Review UL555 testing procedures.

Norm Grusnick,

Norm has spent the last 43 years in the Mechanical HVAC industry. He is well versed in Ductwork Systems, Duct Construction, Sheet Metal and Fan Engineering.

He graduated from UBC in 1979 in Engineering.

He is heavily involved in ASHRAE as Region XI Treasurer, Past Nominating Committee and Research Promotion RVC. Member of ASHRAE TC 5.2, Corresponding member NFPA, SMACNA member, past member of Canadian National Building Code. Presently back from retirement working for ECCO Supply as  Commercial Business Development Representative.


5:00 - 6:00 pm - Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

6:00 - 7:00pm - Dinner (multi-item menu)

7:00 - 8:00pm - Presentation, Q&A

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie, Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto, Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick, Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Herald Street Brew Works, details soon

January 19, Lilah Amlani Topic TBD

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Devin Abellon

  • 10 Common Errors with Hydronic Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems - and How to Avoid Them.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and ASHRAE: Does it Really Matter?

  • Embedded Tube Radiant Systems to Maximize Energy Efficiency

  • Hydronic Piping with PEX: Pros and Pitfalls

  • Radiant Cooling Heat Transfer Fundamentals

  • Radiant Heating and Cooling Control Strategies

  • Specifying Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, Brad White Justin Blanchfield and Ken Sinclair, Panel Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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to Nov 6

YEA Leadership Weekend (Fall 2022)

  • Delta Hotels Vancouver Downtown Suites (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

YEA Leadership Weekend (Fall 2022)

Vancouver, Canada
November 4-6th, 2022


Are you interested in expanding your knowledge, meeting fellow engineers and having some fun along the way? Look no further than YEA Leadership Weekend! YEA Leadership Weekend is an opportunity for you—the future leaders of ASHRAE—to learn more about Society, develop soft skills and network with other young professionals. Over 600 YEA members have already taken advantage of this great opportunity…will you be next?

This event will include segments on understanding your own personality as well as other types, leadership development for young professionals, communication techniques and ASHRAE leadership opportunities.

Leadership Weekend Objectives

  1. Leadership

  2. Networking

  3. Communication

  4. Professional Development

Download the YEA Leadership Weekend flyer for more information. It’s a great resource to supply your employer to support your attendance!


The Fall 2022 YEA Leadership Weekend will be held (Delta Hotels Vancouver Downtown Suites) in Vancouver, Canada from November 4-6, 2022. Registration is $580 and includes hotel accommodations for Friday and Saturday, meals during the event (dinner on Friday, all meals on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday), and all necessary materials and resources. Airfare and any ground transportation costs are not included. 

OPTIONAL TECHNICAL TOUR : We will be touring the Vancouver Convention Center. From the design of the double LEED® Platinum certified facility, the use of the latest green technologies to the adoption of green operating practices, the Vancouver Convention Centre is committed to being as environmentally sustainable as possible.

 Here are a few reasons why the facility is truly green by design.

  • The West building’s six-acre living roof – the largest in Canada and the largest non-industrial living roof in North America – features more than 400,000 indigenous plant and grasses.

  • The sophisticated black water treatment plant recycles grey and black water that goes back into the washrooms for toilet flushing and is used for rooftop irrigation during warmer weather.

  • The seawater heating and cooling system takes advantage of the adjacent seawater to produce cooling for the building during warmer months and heating in cooler months.

Registration for the tour is an additional $200 and includes a hotel room for the night of Thursday, November 3, 2022, breakfast on Friday, and the technical tour. If you sign up for the technical tour, additional information will be sent after you register. 

>> By registering for this event, you agree to the YLW Policies and to the ASHRAE liability waiver.

Space is limited to 30 participants, and space is filled on a first-come first-served basis to qualifying registrants. Registration closes Tuesday, September 20, 2022. Once the event sells out, a waiting list will be created until the registration deadline.

If you would like a chance for VI ASHRAE to Sponsor you please complete request at link below.

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Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration
5:00 PM17:00

Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

  • Sports View Lounge at Oak Bay Recreation Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

How Does it Work??

Reducing building emissions has just got more affordable!!

Raise the bar on what to expect from your building’s energy systems while meeting todays net-zero climate targets!

As we consume more energy:

• We rely more heavily on more power sources.

• Which result in more energy losses, higher costs, and has a greater environmental impact.

Micro-CHP energy efficient solutions optimize and synchronize multiple energy sources and mixed renewables:

• They reduce operational costs, minimize greenhouse gas emissions as well as reduce your carbon footprint.

• Increase energy independence, providing on-site power generation combined with heating as well as cooling options. Avoiding peek demand and billing cycles including rate spikes.

• Maximizing energy resiliency and occupancy sustainability

When thinking about heat and power for any building or facility, traditionally two important, but separate, systems come to mind—one for hot water and one for electricity, from the grid.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems revolutionize this by combining these two independent functions into one comprehensive system. Using natural gas, renewable natural gas, or biomass. Micro-CHP solution, manage and generate ample heating while generating electricity to meet the buildings total energy loads. When compared to using hot water boilers in conjunction with power from the grid, environmentally friendly micro-CHP systems, maximize energy efficiency, while significantly lowering GHG emissions and overall operational costs.

Paul Binotto

Director – Strategy and Business Development, Pacific Region - Guillevin International

Paul is championing Guillevin’s role as a leader in the Electrification and reduced Emission efforts in British Columbia.

In his role he is focused on innovative and sustainable equipment and programs with an emphasis on affordable Energy Management to reduce building emissions.

His effort includes the understanding and role EV Charging adaptation plays, related to Residential, Public and Fleet applications.

Jeff Hoogveld

Renewable Energy Consultant LSM Energy Solutions

Jeff is a Lead Advisor for LSM Energy Solutions. Jeff has a long history in the implementation of climate and renewable power generation solutions that maximize efficiency as well as on-site energy independence. Jeff has been a strong leader in lowering GHG emissions through the use of affordable and innovative programs such as Co-Generation, Heat Pump, as well as Solar and other mixed renewables for new and retrofit, residential or commercial project.


5:00 - 6:00 pm - Meet 'n Greet (no host bar)

6:00 - 7:00pm - Dinner (multi-item menu)

7:00 - 8:00pm - Presentation, Q&A

The Mission of the CTTC

The mission of  The Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC) provides efficient and effective transfer of current and relevant information throughout the HVAC&R industry to and from the Chapters. CTTC develops and maintains high quality and readily available tools to enable Chapters to offer information and attractive industry-related information and programs to all segments within the HVAC&R industry. CTTC reports to the Members Council.

We do this with Speakers, Panels or Tours.

Let us know


Each year we try to get in appropriate speakers both within ASHRAE Society and outside of ASHRAE Society

We have access to The ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturers (DL) Program,

Please let us know what you would like to learn more about.

See information about our Vancouver Island Chapter

Potential dates…

Thursday evening 5 to 8ish or lunch time

September 29, Joanne Ogilvie, Improve Indoor Air Safety in Schools Rooms, Offices, Public Buildings and Large Venues

October 20, David Halliwell, Jeff Hoogveld and Paul Binotto, Energy Independence, GHG Reduction & Resiliency with micro-Cogeneration

November 17, Norm Grusnick, Overview of new rules for SMACNA Manual FIRE, SMOKE, RADIATION Dampers

December 08, Holiday Social

January 19, Lilah Amlani Topic TBD

February 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Shelia Hayter

  • Integrating Renewable Energy Systems into Buildings

March 16, Distinguished Lecturer, Topic to be clarified, Devin Abellon

  • 10 Common Errors with Hydronic Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems - and How to Avoid Them.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and ASHRAE: Does it Really Matter?

  • Embedded Tube Radiant Systems to Maximize Energy Efficiency

  • Hydronic Piping with PEX: Pros and Pitfalls

  • Radiant Cooling Heat Transfer Fundamentals

  • Radiant Heating and Cooling Control Strategies

  • Specifying Radiant Heating and Cooling Systems

  • The (un)Ethical Engineer: a study in principle and practice

April 20, Brad White Justin Blanchfield and Ken Sinclair, Panel Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

May 18 Topic TBD

June 22, International Women in Engineering Day (June 23), World Refrigeration Day (June 26), (similar to June 23, 2022)

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